Logging On: The Educational Chatroom

Nectir Team
June 5, 2019

Nectir allows educators and students alike to use one tool for all academic communication. Classrooms can create their own channels to chat back and forth instead of relying on timely emails and outdated forums.

But it doesn’t stop there.

One of the flaws in our education system is the inability for professors and teaching assistants to communicate efficiently. Instead of scrolling through multiple emails, clearing your junk mail, and answering individual forums, Nectir makes it possible to have centralized threads where you can scroll through and catch up instantaneously without having to sort your messages. Instead, you can join channels within your department or send private messages to your colleagues.

Academic departments and research teams can centralize their conversations and build a more collaborative environment. This allows educators to build a community and discuss new research findings, share files, and stay up to date with what is going on behind the scenes at UCSB. The best part about Nectir isn’t the interdepartmental communication, in fact. It’s having the capability to talk to and integrate students in creative ways.

Here are some things you can do with our platform:

  • Create live polls in class
  • Receive learning analytics on your class in real time
  • Send mobile notifications for assignments or learning opportunities
  • Use Google Calendar integrations to share events and deadlines

With one platform, teachers can easily move from channel to channel to communicate with their classes, their TAs, and the rest of the department.

Not only does it benefit the students that chat on the platform, but it can transform the teaching culture on our campus to be more inclusive, more collaborative, and more productive.

Nectir Team
June 5, 2019

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